Recommended Articles Archive

News and exciting facts about parenting and child psychology

Articles, reports and features that Spielzeit researches and recommends for further reading (all articles in German).


22. July 2024

Too strict is restrictive, too lax is disorientating.
Educational consultant Daniela Bleisch explains what really makes children happy.
Educational consultant Daniela Bleisch on happy children Tages-Anzeiger article can be downloaded HERE. / educational counseling / Susanne Graf
15. January 2024
Strengthening the child’s mental health

PDF / How do I strengthen my child’s mental health?

A joint project of the Departments of Health and
Applied psychology, financed by the FOPH.

This flyer is aimed at parents of 6- to 12-year-old children.

PDF / ZHW / For parents of 6- to 12-year-old children


19. December 2023 / Mamablog and Papablog / Society
18. December 2023

At the end of the year, the time of the Spotify year in review, Pro Juventute is releasing a different kind of Spotify playlist: it is designed to help with mental stress. To this end, the organization teamed up with big names.

Below you will find the link for the Spotify playlist. / Culture / Music
18. December 2023

Article in the Tages-Anzeiger by journalist Mikael Krogerus on the subject of “unconditional love” for his children. / Culture / Society & Religion
24. November 2023

It takes a whole village to raise a child. Hunter-gatherer societies on the African continent still live by this credo today. / Knowledge / Childcare
14. November 2023

Finnish psychiatrist Riittakerttu Kaltiala helped to establish the new treatment protocol for trans adolescents. Today she warns against this.

SonntagsZeitung, Michèle Binswanger, 12.11.2023
12. November 2023

People with disabilities are disproportionately affected by the health, social and economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. On December 3, the aim is to highlight the importance of securing the rights of people with disabilities so that they can participate fully and equally in society.

Fragile Suisse
3. November 2023

Every child has an innate learning energy that drives them forward.

Focus Online, Family section, Gina Louisa Metzler, 3.11.2023
16. March 2023

Empathizing with others is a fundamental human ability. But children are not empathetic from the outset.

Katja Nauck,, Development & Education, 16.03.2023
21. February 2023

Our author’s child was born with an “invisible” disability. She talks about how perspectives change when your own child deviates from the so-called norm.

Marah Rikli, Tages-Anzeiger, mom blog and dad blog, 21.02.2023


23. April 2022

Gioia di Biagio has suffered from a rare, little-researched disease since birth. A fate that she shares with millions of lone fighters. An “Arte Re:” report from SPIEGEL TV.

Spiegel Online, Science, April 23, 2022
18. April 2022

Modern parents are so frustrated because they feel they have given up on themselves, says family therapist Katharina Pommer. She advises them to pay more attention to their needs.

Der Standard, Lifestyle, Family, Lisa Breit, April 18, 2022
18. March 2022

Modern parents are so frustrated because they feel they have given up on themselves, says family therapist Katharina Pommer. She advises them to pay more attention to their needs.

Focus Online, Family, Friday, March 18, 2022


25. November 2021

Modern parents are so frustrated because they feel they have given up on themselves, says family therapist Katharina Pommer. She advises them to pay more attention to their needs.

20 minutes, November 25, 2021
1. September 2021

Whether big or small, jogging, walking or hiking: anyone who wants to support children in Switzerland and do something good for their health in October can take part in This year, the proceeds will go to 10 organizations that are committed to helping children. One of these is SPIELZEIT psychotherapy. We are looking forward to a great event and a joint commitment!

Sincerely – Your Spielzeit team

Season, September 1, 2021
26. July 2021

Really now! Nils Pickert, journalist, blogger and father of four, pleads for pink-fixated boys to finally be left alone.

We parents, Parents' column, Nils Pickert, July 2021


21. December 2020

Children must be able to play outside. And that’s not all: parents should also give their children enough freedom to take risks and test their limits. “Einstein” shows why play is so essential and can even make children smarter, healthier and stronger.

SRF, Knowledge & Advice, Einstein, September 3, 2020
16. December 2020

Until now, it was unthinkable to complete a university degree with mental and physical disabilities. Lucien Le has made it – he is the first Ecolsiv student to receive a diploma as an assistant teacher from the University of Teacher Education Unterstrass. How does that work?

SRF, Documentaries & reports, Reporter, December 16, 2020
28. October 2020

Preventing suicides – In Switzerland, two to three people take their own lives every day. Gregor Berger from the Psychiatric University Hospital Zurich explains why young people are particularly at risk – and where prevention needs to start.

Aargauer Zeitung, Zurich region, Michel Wenzel, September 10, 2020
28. October 2020

One in five children in Switzerland is overweight. Even if it is not easy, effective measures should be taken as early as possible.

Aargauer Zeitung, Focus on Health, Stefan Müller, August 5, 2020
1. October 2020

The old discipline and order has had its day, but authority is returning to the school in a new form. What is behind the concept?

Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Society section, Martin Beglinger, September 19, 2020
1. October 2020

Negative feelings are rarely talked about in Switzerland. This would benefit younger people in particular.

Aargauer Zeitung, Life section, Annika Bangerter on the new study "Atlas of Emotions" by "Gesundheit Schweiz", July 8, 2020
1. September 2020
The fact that a girl wants short hair and a boy likes to play in his sister’s skirt is anything but worrying. But when is it no longer a phase? When is there a need for action? The “Doppelpunkt” talks to experts and visits an 11-year-old trans boy.
SRF, Audio & Podcasts, Colon, Moderated by Stefan Siegenthaler, Edited by Patricia Banzer, May 3, 2016
1. September 2020

No generation has ever been as enlightened as that of our children. All information is available on the Internet day and night. But what do children and young people really know about sex?

Fritz + Fränzi, The Swiss Parents Magazine, Parental Education, Parenting section, Sandra Casalini, February 4, 2020
16. July 2020

Our author’s daughter is more special than the others – she has a developmental disorder. What he advises other parents in similar situations.

Mama Blog, Category Children, Reto Hunziker, July 14, 2020
29. April 2020
Screen times in corona lockdown

Schools are closed and many children and young people are being taught digitally. Social contacts are mainly maintained via Snapchat and TikTok.

Pro Juventute website,
29. April 2020

Schools are closed and many children and young people are being taught digitally. Social contacts are mainly maintained via Snapchat and TikTok.

Pro Juventute website, section Da for families, Media & Internet
4. April 2020

Daycare centers and schools closed due to coronavirus: Free play despite quarantine and social distancing. Activities for creative play at home and activity ideas for children during challenging times.

Pro Juventute, section Da for families, families & society
23. March 2020

Coronavirus emergency in Switzerland: how are families experiencing the extraordinary situation? How do parents structure the days of their children who are at home because schools are closed? What opportunities are there in this extreme situation? Families tell their stories.

We parents, Anita Zulauf
19. March 2020

Solidarity instead of panic and panic buying: the coronavirus crisis also offers an opportunity to set a positive example.

Mama Blog, Jeanette Kuster, March 17, 2020
20. February 2020

Dealing with emotions appropriately is a key skill that children and young people have to learn in the course of their development. In psychology, this ability is called emotion regulation.

Mama Blog, Editorial team, March 16, 2020
28. January 2020

Typical boy, typical girl: How much of this is inherited? How much nature?

SRF, Audio & Podcasts, Hotspot, January 28, 2020
15. January 2020

More and more parents want to know how high the IQ
of their offspring.

Tages-Anzeiger, Society section, Christina Berndt, 11.01.2020
15. January 2020

In separation situations, it is often difficult for parents to take the children’s needs into account at all times. What does this mean for children and young people and how can parents make the separation situation easier for them?

Fritz Fränzi, The Swiss Parents' Magazine, 7.12.2016
15. January 2020

Screaming children are exhausting. The story of a cookie shows why it is nevertheless important to endure crying.

Mama Blog, Ellen Girod, December 31, 2019


3. December 2019

Mothers who drive away, fathers who disappear: somewhere between these clichés, separated parents struggle for the best for their child. Is the alternating model the future?

Zeit Magazin, An analysis by Tanja Dückers, 21.10.2019
3. December 2019

Are helicopter parents right, do children need to be constantly driven?

Zeit Magazin, interview by Vera Görgen with Esther Wojcicki, 16.9.2019
13. November 2019

The very special talent of autistic Thierry Bouvard. Thierry Bouvard is autistic. He can’t speak, but he can paint.

PLAY SRF, Doc & Reports, 22.9.2019
11. November 2019

By ignoring this difficult topic, parents are not doing the child any favors.

Mama Blog, Everyday life category, Jeanette Kuster, October 14, 2019
23. October 2019

Running for the streetcar, rushing to nursery – we are constantly under power. What does this mean for our children?

Mama Blog, Everyday life with children, Patricia Büchel, October 21, 2019
30. September 2019

Preferring one child over the other is a taboo for mothers and fathers. Nevertheless, it happens very often, says Jürg Frick.

Fritz und Fränzi, the Swiss parents' magazine, Parenting/Education section, interview by Eveline Hartmann with Jürg Frick, 1.4.2019
30. September 2019

There is talk of an “alarming result”: Stiftung Warentest does not consider many popular game apps suitable for ten-year-olds, including “Fortnite”. How seriously should parents take this judgment?

Spiegel Netzwelt, Markus Böhm, 24.9.2019
24. September 2019

Year after year, more and more adolescents are visiting the emergency wards of adolescent psychiatry. You feel under pressure!

SRF, Dok, Monica Suter, 11.4.2019
24. September 2019
Brain researcher explains: Parents steal the most important experience of childhood from children

Many parents want to teach their children as much as possible in order to prepare them for life in the best possible way. However, brain researcher Gerald Hüther warns of negative consequences.

Focus Online, Family section, Gina Louisa Metzler
13. August 2019

The family from Bottrop sets an example for inclusion. Wenke (5) and her sisters took part in a music video: “You’re like this!”

WAZ, Local, 21.3.2019
23. April 2019

Revenge is sweet: Even small children feel this way when punishing wrongdoers, a study shows. From the age of six, they develop a strong sense of justice.

Mirror, Science, Psychology, 21.12.2017
10. April 2019

“Not in front of the children!” say parents when things get nasty between them. Perhaps wrongly, new studies show.

Mirror, Science, Psychology, 1.12.2018
6. February 2019

Doctors surveyed more than 2,600 families who were raising a child with trisomy 21.

Tages-Anzeiger, Berit Uhlmann, 7.1.2019
6. February 2019

In “A l’école des philosophes”, Fernand Melgar accompanied five special needs pupils from French-speaking Switzerland in their everyday lives.

Tages-Anzeiger, Julia Marx, 9.1.2019
15. January 2019

Quiet children need places to retreat to recharge their batteries! David is ten years old and a quiet and reserved boy.

Mama Blog, Category Everyday life Society, Susanne Schild, 28.8.2918
15. January 2019

The ADELE study examines the media use of children aged 4 to 7 in the context of their families. ADELE stands for Activités, Digitales, Education, Loisirs, Enfants. The study provides in-depth insights into various factors influencing the family context on children’s media media in the context of families with children



1. October 2018

Run for a good cause on 28.10.18 and support the season!

24. September 2018

“Anyone who doesn’t know what’s going on with us must think I’m completely crazy,” says a mother of twins with a rare disease.

Mama Blog, Everyday life, Jeanette Kuster, September 24, 2018
20. September 2018

They usually operate in secret, but they are right in our midst: children and young people who have a sick parent, elderly grandparent or…

PLAY SRF, 20.9.2018
18. June 2018

Breastfeeding your first child is under immense pressure, says the expert.

Leonie Krähenbühl, June 18, 2018
7. June 2018

Although preschool children are fascinated by digital media, they prefer to play with friends.

Swisscom in cooperation with zhaw, press release, June 6, 2018
26. April 2018

Children with a disabled or sick sibling are particularly challenged.

Observer, Corinne Strebel, April 26, 2018
1. March 2018

A new study is surprising: the cell phone is only in thirteenth place among primary school pupils.

Tages-Anzeiger, Yannick Wiget, 1.3.2018


5. December 2017

Fabian Bächli has trisomy 21, but is fully integrated. Thanks to his mother. Unfortunately, this is not an everyday story.

Observer, Barbara Lukesch, December 5, 2017
30. October 2017

“What kind of offices do your children have?” “How could I organize the office schedule?” “I would also like to introduce chores, but I don’t know which ones.” If you surf through mothers’ forums, you keep stumbling across the question of which tasks children should take on in the household.

Mama Blog, Everyday life, Jeanette Kuster, October 30, 2017
27. October 2017

SRF met three ADHD children – for the second time. There are these diseases that everyone is suddenly talking about as if they were fashionable, giving the impression that every second person suffers from them.

Tages-Anzeiger, Denise Jeitziner, 27.10.2017
24. October 2017

Pediatrician and bestselling author Remo Largo on the pressure to perform that starts in kindergarten.

Tages-Anzeiger, Jeremias Schulthess, 24.10.2017


21. March 2016

Everyone is talking about inclusion, while disabled people are increasingly disappearing from our society. Prenatal diagnostics make their contribution. That will change us.

Zeit Online, Anna Brüggemann, March 21, 2016


21. December 2015

Pediatrician Remo Largo criticizes the Swiss childcare situation – and calls for a rethink in the economy.

Tages-Anzeiger, Claudia Blumer spoke with Remo Largo, December 20, 2015
7. December 2015

The IV has had little success in reintegrating those who have already left the labor market.

Tages-Anzeiger, Andrea Fischer, December 7, 2015
5. October 2015

Not without my feelings: Emotions play the leading role in the animated film “Alles steht Kopf”. It incorporates a psychological theory that is no longer entirely up-to-date.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Georg Rüschmeyer, October 5, 2015
25. September 2015

Adolescent psychiatrist Alain Di Gallo on the taboo subject of depression in young people. The disease must also be taken seriously in their case.

Tages-Anzeiger, Nadine Felber, September 25, 2015
25. February 2015

Psychiatry professor Gregor Hasler criticizes the fact that social insurance is not sufficiently geared towards the mentally ill.

Tages-Anzeiger, Markus Brotschi spoke with Gregor Hasler, February 25, 2015
2. February 2015

Can your parents’ divorce still hurt you as an adult? A long-term study indicates that early trauma influences health and status.

Zeit Online, Knowledge, February 2, 2015


30. March 2014

The high consumption of Ritalin is becoming an issue for the UN, says UN advisor Pascal Rudin. The UN is therefore likely to recommend that Switzerland impose stricter rules on the use of Ritalin by children.

NZZ am Sonntag: The drug Ritalin and similar drugs are prescribed to children with ADHD – the fidget spinner syndrome – far more frequently than in the past. The UN is now also addressing the issue of Ritalin. Why?

NZZ Online, Sarah Nowotny, April 30, 2014
26. February 2014

In the creative workshop at the Bürgerspital Basel, people with physical, psychological or mental disabilities pursue their passion: they paint, draw and design. Handicap and creative work are not mutually exclusive – on the contrary. Nina Mavis Brunner researches the special art and cultural production of special people.

PLAY SRF, February 26, 2014


5. July 2013

With a lot of heart and humor, the documentary tells the story of the successful integration of two disabled brothers into the everyday working life of an inn. A challenge that the kitchen crew takes on with a great deal of love and commitment.

Häselbarth Film Production
16. June 2013

A boy with behavioral problems at a Zurich school harasses his classmates. Because the management prescribes integrative support, he remains in a regular class despite protests from his parents.

Tages-Anzeiger, Michèle Binswanger, June 16, 2013
1. April 2013

Jonas Pauchard, 21, is a communicative person. He benefits from this with “Radio Blind Power”. Around ten people make up the radio team, just over half of whom, like Jonas Pauchard, live with a
Visual impairment.

Procap Magazine, April 1, 2013


28. August 2012

The mentally and physically disabled Fabian Pfister loves to travel by bus and train – in a wheelchair and alone. Hardly anyone knows the ZVV network as well as the 15-year-old.

Tages-Anzeiger, August 28, 2012
1. February 2012

16-year-old Elias Dahler is severely disabled and can neither walk nor speak. Nevertheless, he steers a motorboat.

Observer, 2012